General Options Property Page

This property page contains controls that adjust aspects of the Songsheet Generator user interface and setup.

Output destination
This set of radio buttons controls whether output will be sent to the printer, a text file, an HTML file, or a ChordPro file when you press the "Print" button. When outputting to a file (text, html, etc.) a "Save As..." dialog will open, and ask you to provide the name of the new file.
Units (inch/mm)
These radio buttons control the units of measure used for margins and tabs. You can choose either inches or mm.
Print table of contents
This checkbox controls whether a table of contents (really just a list of the titles in the "Songs to print" list) will be printed. The HTML output will also add a table of contents, with hyper-links to the songs.

Table of contents text
This is the text that will be printed as the title of the table of contents page.
Include page numbers
When this box is checked, page numbers of the printed songs will be printed on the table of contents page. Page numbers do not apply to the HTML Table of Contents.
Automatically number songs
When this box is checked, each song will be given a unique number, starting from 1. The Table of Contents will also reflect the song numbers.
Note: this setting does not apply to the Full Screen output destination.
Song editor
This is the program that will be launched when you choose "Edit Song" from the File menu. The default is Notepad. Any text editor is appropriate for editing song files; see the song files document for more information about the file format.
Path to songs
This is the folder where Songsheet Generator will look for song files. The first time the program is started, it by default looks in the folder called "Songs" that is located within Songsheet Generator's own installation folder. Pressing the "Browse" button will bring up a directory chooser. Checking the "Rescan" checkbox will cause the songs list to be re-populated.
The typical Songsheet Generator installation on Windows will set this folder by default to C:\Program Files\Ten by Ten\Songsheet Generator\Songs.
On the Macintosh, the default folder is the current user's "Documents" folder.
Use UTF-8 as default song file encoding
This checkbox controls the default encoding of song files. If it is not checked, the file encoding will match the native encoding of the operating system.
This checkbox is new in Songsheet Generator 2.8 for Windows and 1.4 for Mac OS X. When upgrading to Songsheet Generator from an older version, this box is unchecked by default, to ensure compatability with older song files.
Note: UTF-16 files will be automatically detected, regardless of the state of this checkbox.
See the file encoding topic for information about character encoding in Songsheet Generator.

Show mini-preview window
This checkbox controls whether or not the mini-preview window is visible on the main Songsheet Generator dialog.
Show reminder message before applying options to print list
Changing certain settings such as transpose value or chord printing in the options dialog will affect the songs currently in the print list. This checkbox controls whether or not a reminder dialog will be shown when the settings for songs in the print list are about to be changed.